This Wednesday from 7:30pm-8:30pm come celebrate Earth Day with the Campaign to Decriminalize Nature DC! We are inviting everyone to join us for a Zoom discussion centered on the interplay between entheogenic plant medicines and environmentalism. All are welcome to participate via engaging in discussion or simply tuning in to listen to what others have to say. The invited speakers will approach this topic through a variety of lenses that each hold their own unique concepts. Some of the approaches stem from: anthropology, law, ecology, and personal experience.
Around the world on April 22, Earth Day is celebrated to support global environmental protection. Why is this celebration so important to our Campaign? We see the Earth’s environment as important to all of its inhabitants, including humans, other animals, plants, and fungi. Our planet supplies each of us with air to breath, water to nourish, and food to fuel. In short, Earth provides us with a place to live and grow together. To maintain the abundance of resources necessary to sustain healthy lives, we must keep toxicities out of the air, water, and earth. Thus, the Campaign to Decriminalize Nature DC believes keeping Earth clean and protecting the environment from toxins are critical actions for preserving abundant and equitable access to healing plant medicines. By collectively embracing the steps necessary to clean our planet, humanity can move towards a justly reciprocal relationship with their entheogenic plant allies.
Click here to RSVP on Facebook!
Art by @Zippko