Segment 1: “Our Stories of Plant and Fungi Medicine Allyship: Personal Testimonies of Transformation and Healing”
[35 min, 6:00pm-6:35pm]
- Catharsis on the Mall Host: Amanda Krause
- DecrimNatureDC Host: Lia “LookOut” Kuduk, DC resident
- Storyteller #1: Melissa Lavasani, DC Resident and Proposer of Ballot Initiative 81
- Storyteller #2: Ursalee, DC Resident
- Storyteller #3: Wyly Gray, DC Metro Area Resident, Founder Veterans of War, and fmr. Marine
- Storyteller #4: Kia Jackson, DC Resident
- Storyteller #5: Daniel Carcillo, National Spokesperson
- Storyteller #6: Lauren Berlekamp, DC Resident
- Storyteller #7: Robert “Roman” Haferd, DC Resident
Segment 2: “Our Lineages: Ecological, Anthropological, and Medicinal Perspectives on Entheogens”
[50 min, 6:35pm-7:25pm]
Segment Host & Presenter: Seth Rosenberg, Press Secretary for the Campaign to Decriminalize Nature DC
Part 1: “Nature’s Fruit: The Entheogens of Voter Initiative 81”
Summary: Seth Rosenberg introduces the plant and fungi medicines involved with Initiative 81.
Part 2: “Indigenous Ways of Knowing and the Restoration of Natural Pathways to Healing”
Presenter: Mary Jane Oatman, Nez Perce Tribe Member, founder of the Indigenous Cannabis Coalition and Publisher/Editor in Chief of THC Magazine, and a former appointee under President Obama on the Advisory Council for Education, and Founder of the Indigenous Cannabis Coalition
Summary: Tribal communities have endured and persevered many waves of disease and catastrophe, a resilience only possible because of an ancient lineage connected deeply in the water, roots, and landscapes of present day North America. The Indigenous Cannabis Coalition will discuss how nurturing Mother Earth’s gifts will allow for a return to healing of the people and Her ecosystems.
Part 3: “Psychedelics Contribute to Decreases in Mental Health Symptoms Among People of Color Who Have a History of Racial Trauma”
Presenter: Alan K. Davis, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Social Work at The Ohio State University and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Psychedelic Research Unit at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Davis’s clinical experience includes working with people diagnosed with trauma-based psychological problems such as addiction, PTSD, depression, and anxiety. His clinical expertise includes providing evidenced-based treatments such as motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy.
Summary: People of color have been underrepresented in psychedelic studies. Psychedelics may hold promise in helping decrease the negative impact of racial trauma in these populations. This presentation will show how the use of psychedelics after race-based trauma helped reduce mental health problems among people of color.
Segment 3: “Our Directions: The Origins, Present, and Potential of the Decriminalize Nature Movement”
[35 min, 7:25pm-8:00pm]
Summary: A conversation between Carlos Plazola, co-founder of Decriminalize Nature Oakland, and Melissa Lavasani, Chair of the Campaign to Decriminalize Nature DC. Carlos and Melissa will swap stories about how they each got inspired to launch initiatives to decriminalize plant and fungi medicines in their respective localities, share where their Campaign’s reside now, and also talk about their visions for the future of the Decriminalize Nature movement.